Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Attention: New Law Now in Practice!

i would make it a requirement to take a full IQ and common sense test before a person is allowed to operate a motor vehicle. there are so many drivers on the roads these days. Most of them are fine drivers but some should not be allowed behind the wheel. I'm talking about people who drive 10 to 15 miles per hour under the speed limit down a 1 lane street. the people who speed past you, then merge in front of you and slam on the breaks. people who don't signal when they change lanes or are turning. the drivers who don't let you merge. the people who ride your ass all the way down the highway. anyway, i think that this needs to be done because of all of the accidents it creates. if everyone drove safe there would be very few accidents. the number of people killed each year by cars would almost be 0. therefore i feel that something needs to be done about all of the dumb asses behind the wheel. to enforce this law, we need more cops. more cops to pull all of the violators over and give them a ticket and make them take a drivers ed class.


smiley said...

I get so annoyed with all of the people who do those things you mentioned on the road. I would not vote for this law though. I wouldn't vote for it because I don't think IQ is nessecarily related to how well one drives. Poor driving could possibly be due to people's stupidity, but I think it is probably more of a lack of consideration for other drivers. If this law passed I would follow it. I would not choose to break this law because if I were to ever get pulled over by a cop for doing something, I wouldn't want my fine to go up just because I didn't take an IQ test.

k of the milky way said...

I agree that many people driving these days can be very stupid. I also agree you have to have common sense to be able to drive. Many people may not know they are being complete idiots when they drive, which is wrong! People NEED common sense when they drive but I don't think you need to make it a law to have an IQ test. I feel like an IQ test would be kind of pointless because how is that going to change their stupidity while driving? I do agree with having a common sense test though! Nice work.

One Moment Can Change Everything said...

Ya I agree with you on how there are crazy drivers out there however I would not vote for this law because I dont think having a good IQ has anything to do with driving. I think driving has to do with more skill level and awarness of your surroundings. Plus im a very good driver and I dont know how high my iq is and to say i wouldnt be able to drive just becuase my iq is low isnt fair. I would probably break this law because i wouldnt take the test and i would just drive anyway and find a way to cheat my way through the system so i wouldnt have to take the test, and yea this would be intenionaly because i dont wanna take an IQ test!